08/05/2015 – Day 09 – Shrimad Bhagavath Geetha Darshana – By Pujya Shri Bannanje Govindacharya

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08/05/2015 – Day 09 – Shrimad Bhagavath Geetha Darshana – By Pujya Shri Bannanje Govindacharya


Sujatha Beladakere says:

My salutations to Pujya Shri Bannanje Govindacharya.

Thank you for putting these BhagavadGita talks on the internet.  

Can you please put the prayers that are recited before the talks in the text format?

Thank You.

Sandeep K says:

Can you ask Shri Acharya to explain the differences between sthula, sukshma, linga and svarupa shariras? It will be of great help. thanks.

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