4 ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ, ಆರಣ್ಯಕ ಹಾಗು ಉಪನಿಷತ್ತುಗಳ ಪರಿಚಯ

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#upanayana #brahmana #aranyaka #upanishad #bannanje #veda #ವೆದದಪರಿಚಯ
?? What is the purpose and significance of Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishad
— Garuda purana can be read when one is alive
— Karna sukta and its significance
— Correct Pronunciation of Brahmana
— Meaning of satra
— Charana Vyooha mentions that Rig Samhitha has 432000 Akshara , same as the number of years in Kali Yuga

About the series:
Sometime in 1984 a few people in Mumbai came together to perform a very special ‘yajna’ (sacrifice) called Rik Samhitha Yaga. In this ‘prayer’ oblations are offered for each and every mantra, more than 10,000 in number, in Rig Veda.
The text is the Veda are revealed and not composed. The people to whom the texts were revealed were revered as “Rishis”. The organizer of this event invited a Rishi of our times to talk and educate people about Veda. The Rishi is none other than Sri BG.
In each of the talks for the 9 days the Yajna was performed, Sri BG explains various facets of Veda and lays a firm foundation for any aspirant who wants to pursue further studies on the topic. He explains the symbolism in Vedas and takes a few example verses and explains the psychological and spiritual interpretations.
Some of the popular “shanthi mantras” are explained along with the entire of Purusha Sukta.
Its our earnest belief that a spiritual seeker will find something useful in each and every minute of Sri BG’s discourse.

About Sri Bannanje Govindacharya:
Sri Bannanje Govindacharya is one of the foremost amongst Vedic Scholars today. His knowledge of Shastras (scriptures) such as Vedas, Puranana, Ramayanan, Mahabharatha is unparalleled. With the esoteric knowledge of the scriptures, Sri Bannanje brings a modern outlook that is relevant to people of this age and that makes his talks unique. More about Sri Bannanje can be read at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bannanje_Govindacharya

An institution by name Bannanje Prathishtana, is focused on spreading Sri Bannanje’s words and the talks you see here in YouTube channel “Bannanje Uvacha” is an effort in that direction.


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