Uddhava Geethe Gokhale 14Oct2019

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Upanyasa by :- Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati
Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya

Location :- Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs
Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka State, India.

Date : 14th October 2019

Time : 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Topic : Uddhava Geethe
( Conversation between Bhagawan Sri Krishna and Uddhava )


prakash says:

ayati parAshara sUnuH satyavatI hR^idaya nandano vyAsaH
yasya Asya kamala galitam vA~Nmayam amR^itm jagat pibati |

Glory to sage vyAsa, the son of parAshara, whose birth delighted the heart of his mother satyavatî… for the world drinks poetic nectar glided from the lotus called his mouth

Bannanje Govindacharya ravara padagali namo namaha!!

Bharati Nargund says:


tara karanji says:

Gurughaleghe namaskara

tara karanji says:

Ananthanantha danyavadaghalu

Vijay Sk says:


Vijay Sk says:

Thank you Great Well Said

Savita Hegde says:

ಗುರುದೇವ ನಮೋಃನಮಃ.


Thank you. By uploading Pujya bannanje Govindacharyas' speeches, you are doing great service to not only to thousands of his disciples but to millions of seekers in the path of divine, all over the globe. Thank you.

Madhusudan Vyas says:

Acyharyarigey Sahasra Shaashtaanga Namsakaaraglu .Haagu ee pravachana vannu hanchikondidakkey aneka dhanyavaadagalu

Sathwik Ananthkumar says:

Thanks for uploading

Jyotsna R Rao says:

Gurugalige aneka namaskaragalu 🙏 🙏

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