9 ಉಪಾಕರ್ಮದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ / About Upakarma

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#ಬನ್ನಂಜೆಹನಿಖಜಾನೆ #BannanjePearls

About the series:
In all his talks Sri BG touches upon aspects that in some cases dispels misconceptions, in other instances provides more clarity and so on.
In this fast paced world, people complain of lack of time to listen to the entire series or an entire talk. For such people the snippets in this playlist helps provide the exact information that they are looking for. For those who are not familiar with Sri BG or his talks, these snippets give a peek into the vast variety of topics Sri BG deals in his talks.

The creators of this playlist request people to listen to the full series of talks on various topics and not be just content with the snippets here.

About Sri Bannanje Govindacharya:
Sri Bannanje Govindacharya is one of the foremost amongst Vedic Scholars today. His knowledge of Shastras (scriptures) such as Vedas, Puranana, Ramayanan, Mahabharatha is unparalleled. With the esoteric knowledge of the scriptures, Sri Bannanje brings a modern outlook that is relevant to people of this age and that makes his talks unique. More about Sri Bannanje can be read at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bannanje_Govindacharya

An institution by name Bannanje Prathishtana, is focused on spreading Sri Bannanje’s words and the talks you see here in YouTube channel “Bannanje Uvacha” is an effort in that direction.


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