2012 Sri Mahanarayana Upanishat 1

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Upanyasa : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati
Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya
Language : Kannada
Year : 16th Jan Series 2012
Location : Bharatha (India)
Topic : MahaNarayana Upanishat
Our infinite gratitude with heartfelt Pranams to Lotus feet of Sri Acharyaru for blessings and giving us permission to video record and upload on youtube for benefit of devotees sadhakas worldwide.
Our gratitude to Gipa Administration Bengaluru for giving us permission to record in their premises for several years now.
Our gratitude to all who helped us in this effort directly and indirectly several times and who continue to support and join our efforts.
Naham Karta Harihi Karta.
Hare Srinivasa.


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