114 ಕ್ರೋಧವಶರನ್ನು ಸೋಲಿಸಿ ಸೌಗಂಧಿಕಾ ಪುಷ್ಪ ತಂದ ಭೀಮ/Bhima defeats Krodhavasha rakshasas

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#rutha #sathya #dharma #abhinavagupta #bhimasena #bhima #ಭೀಮಸೇನವ್ಯಾಸರುಕಂಡಂತೆ #ಭೀಮಸೇನ
— Dharmaraja criticizes Bhima for getting Sougandhika by killing so many people
— Rutha and Sathya
— Two forms of Prana : Sathya and Dharma
— Upasane of Lord as Sat Chit Ananda and Atma
— Explanation of Sathya : srushti sthithi samhara niyamana jnaana ajnaana bandha moksha
— Krodhavasha were even defeated by Bhima in argument
— Fight with Krodhavasha is Shaiva vs Vaishnava
— About Abhinavagupta ; He said Vaishnava cannot and should not read Veda
— Story of Ramanujacharya and he fleeing to Karnataka

About the series:
Bhimasena is one of the most underrated and ill understood character in the great epic Mahabharatha. He is very often portrayed as someone who has a voracious appetite, a war monger, an ill tempered person. The way the character is portrayed by Sri Veda Vyasa looks different when one takes up a serious study of Mahabharatha. A closer look reveals a person who never went against the wishes of Sri Krishna, a person whose never took a step against Dharma and a person who very embodiment of Dharma.
Sri Madhwa threw light on this character in his epic work Mahabharatha Tatparya Nirnaya. And now we have Sri BG bringing to light, in his inimicable manner, this forgotten hero of Mahabharatha, from who we have many life lessons to learn.

About Sri Bannanje Govindacharya:
Sri Bannanje Govindacharya is one of the foremost amongst Vedic Scholars today. His knowledge of Shastras (scriptures) such as Vedas, Puranana, Ramayanan, Mahabharatha is unparalleled. With the esoteric knowledge of the scriptures, Sri Bannanje brings a modern outlook that is relevant to people of this age and that makes his talks unique. More about Sri Bannanje can be read at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bannanje_Govindacharya

An institution by name Bannanje Prathishtana, is focused on spreading Sri Bannanje’s words and the talks you see here in YouTube channel “Bannanje Uvacha” is an effort in that direction.


Vijay Sk says:


Vijay Sk says:


Savita Hegde says:

ಗುರುದೇವ ನಮೋ ನಮಃ

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