Bhagavata Saptaham By Dr. Bannanje Day 6

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Bhagavata Saptaham By Dr. Bannanje Day 6
For whole 7 seiries of Bhagavatha pravachana please watch in this link:


Himamshu Koppal says:

One of the best scholars of all time. But there is one thing which i would disagree here. Acharya shares his experience meeting with muslims event in which he mentions; Vishnu is omnipresent and he exist in to everything and asks muslims; does not their god exist in everything. This is wrong- as per abrahamic religions; God and divine is not present in earth. Neither hes part of any material thing. Neither in form of human, nor as bimba or pratibimba. Hence everything can be exploited. As per them nobody other then humans have SOUL( Mind you Soul isnt ATMA). Soul dont have rebirth.

sukanya empran says:


prashanth chipraguthi says:

Namma bhakthiya preethiya gurugalu

Pallavi Joshi says:

Manush hege badukinlli irabekembuvadannu saralavagi tilisikodi .Nimage nanna anantavandanegalu

shane shane says:

pleasent to listen

Krishnamurthy S says:

Dhanyavaadagalu for posting the series

madhusudan rao says:

why emotions erupt when people interact in the creation of god? And how jiva can know his true nature?

kamakshi vs says:

sir Dr. Bannanje  nanna namaskaragalu


very clear explanations.  dhanyosmi. sashtanga namaskaragalu
adyatmatha belakku improved

Savita S V Kashyap says:

Please do not cut the webcast abruptly.  Please leave the webcast on (after the actual lecture) since there could be other Q A sessions and discussions or other important notifications that he may tell and we miss it.  Thanks

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