Uddhava Geethe – Gokhale – 18 oct 2019

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Upanyasa by : Padmashri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati
Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya

Location :- Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs
Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka State, India.

Topic : Uddhava Geethe
( Conversation between Bhagawan Sri Krishna
and Uddhava in Srimad Bhagawata )

Date : 18th october 2019


shri K says:

@14:18 forward followed by reverse and reverse followed by forward (ashTa vidha pata) 🙂

Jyotsna R Rao says:

Gurugalige aneka namaskaragalu 🙏 🙏

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