Bhagavata Saptaham By Dr. Bannanje Day 2

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Bhagavata Saptaham By Dr. Bannanje Day 2
For whole 7 seiries of Bhagavatha pravachana please watch in this link:


Hariprasad Shevire says:

ಪೂಜ್ಯ ಆಚಾರ್ಯರ ಅಪೂರ್ವ ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಉತ್ತಮ ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ದಾಖಲಿಸಲು ಅಮೇರಿಕಾದಲ್ಲಿ ನೆಲೆಸಿರುವ ಭಾರತೀಯರಿಗೂ ಆಗಲಿಲ್ಲವಲ್ಲ!
ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ ಆದರೆ ಉತ್ತಮ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳ ಅಲಭ್ಯತೆ ಎಂದು ಜಾರಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು!

MPS Creations says:


Ramanath Narayan Rao says:

precious presentation

vasantrao deshpande says:

No good video. Not clearly heard.

sudhindra Deshpande says:

no bhagawat acharya has explained जन्माद्यस्य यतोन्वयादि

Anil Kumar says:

I need to know which is the background song and in which CD I can get

BT Desai says:

the correct title of carrel's book is man the unknown.

Jayanthi Dixit says:

Yogeeta, please refer to the link regarding one of Alexis Carrel book "The man unknown"

Vidyasagar Dixit

Jayanthi Dixit says:

I really missed my Guruji's lecture, whoever attended this event are blessed once since it is hard to get this opportunity to hear Guruji's discourse in US

Yogeetha M says:

Do you mind sharing the Book name of Alxis Carrel – Acharya is speaking in this lecture.

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