For whole series of the Kathopanishad pravachana of Shri Bannanje’s untill now, please click on the below playlist link :…
Bhagvata Raja of Puranas: Essence of Bhagvata: Bannanje Govindacharya (original in Kannada) Translation in English by Arya Acharya
#bannanje #veda #ವೆದದಪರಿಚಯ — Pavamana mandala has 1108 mantras, 7 Anuvaka, 114 sukta — Definition of ‘khila’ in Veda — Shree SUKTA is not present in either Bashkala or Shakala samhitha ^^ ksheera ^^ sarpee [More]
#madhwacharya #bannanjegovindacharya #ramayana
About Papa Parihara Sloka Kannada Pravachana by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Agni Purana
#ಶ್ರೀಮಧ್ವವಿಜಯ #srimadhwavijaya — Paadi and Koodalu are the two villages where Trivikrama Panditha lived. They are now called Kasaragodu and Kumble — KabeSimha and JayaSimha II are the same — Historical and geographical description of [More]
#bhagavatha #bannanje — Sri BG states that sloka 47 is misinterpreted for ages. He presents the right meaning here — Eye is only one and is present in the sookshma deha. It’s through the eye [More]