Day 18-Kathopanishad Discourse by Shri Bannanje Govindacharya- at SKV Temple, San Jose

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For whole series of the Kathopanishad pravachana of Shri Bannanje’s untill now, please click on the below playlist link :


soma shekar says:

As per my interpretation an ten liter water is God 100ml is made vishwam, wen water is evaporates it will meet to God. In this process there is no chances to exces the water like wise when a man reaches moksha he merged with God but I didn't know how to merge/stay with God

Chandru says:

what are the mantra chanted before shanthi mantra

Virat Lilly says:

Acharare, please explain about Vayu devaru and Vadiraja'r vivaada and clarify the doubt.

Virat Lilly says:

Very nice explanation for Dwaita and Adwaita 🙂 /

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