17 – Vedavyasa Avatara (Kannada Discourse by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya from Bhagavad Avataaragalu)
Sanatkumara says that his explanation is in accordance with Vedas. But a questions arises. Why should one believe Veda ? About the series: SanathSujatheeya is a series of talks on a particular incident from the [More]
#bannanje #veda #ವೆದದಪರಿಚಯ — Reason why Rig Veda begins with Agni sukta ^^ adhwara — Yaska’s description of adhwara About the series: Sometime in 1984 a few people in Mumbai came together to perform a [More]
Misconceptions regarding women discrimination during vedic era are addressed herein by Acharya.
He briefly explains the greatness of Adi-Shankaracharya in – Sanskrit. VC – BG ANANDAMALA
Vidyavachaspati Bannanje Govindacharya on 18.10.2019 Venue :Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bull Temple Road Narasimharaja Colony, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560019 Phone: +91 80 2661 3148
A small part of Geetha Discourse, which is a must listen for every person who wants to succeed in life, How should be our Knowledge, is explained here!
Vidyavachaspati Bannanje Govindacharya on 14.10.2019 Venue :Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bull Temple Road Narasimharaja Colony, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560019 Phone: +91 80 2661 3148
Vidyavachaspati Bannanje Govindacharya on 13.10.2019 Venue :Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs, Bull Temple Road Narasimharaja Colony, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560019 Phone: +91 80 2661 3148