#AboutAngarakaAkshate #srivatsa #koustubha #bhagavatha #bannanje — Mahavibhoothi is the name of Mahalakshmi — Significance of ‘Srivatsa’ and ‘Koustubha’ signs — About angaraka and akshate About the series: Srimad Bhagavatha is one of the 18 puranas [More]
About Shri Bannanje Govindacharya Bannanje Govindacharya (3 August 1936 – 13 December 2020) was an Indian philosopher and Sanskrit scholar versed in Veda Bhashya, Upanishad Bhashya, Mahabharata, Puranas, and Ramayana. He wrote Bhashyas or commentaries [More]
Watch all the series of Dr. Bannanje’s pravachana on 17th chapter of Shrimad Bhagavadgeetha organised at SKV Temple, San Jose, California in below playlist link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO1fqq-GZLIlhDego_rp5Ye0_Mxk99ZPb Shri Krishna Vrundavana 43 Sunol St, San Jose, CA [More]
#bhimasena #bhima #ಭೀಮಸೇನವ್ಯಾಸರುಕಂಡಂತೆ #ಭೀಮಸೇನ — Bhima and Arjuna pratijne (vow) — Karna taunts Bhima by calling ‘toobara’ About the series: Bhimasena is one of the most underrated and ill understood character in the great epic [More]