Upanyasa by : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Gratitude Mention to, Original Recording done by, Sri K.Raghavendra Prasad Padilaya and his family members, Nandyala, Andhra Pradesh State, Bharatha (India) Our heartfelt gratitude for video [More]
For whole series of the Kathopanishad pravachana of Shri Bannanje’s untill now, please click on the below playlist link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
Basic Human Qualities by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Garuda Purana
#vedajna #arthajna #DarshanaBhashe #GuhyaBhashe #bhagavatha #bannanje — Not all Brahmanas study Veda ?? Who is a Vedjna ? ?? Who is a Arthajna ? — Even Indra has a bit of attachment for fruits of [More]
Upanyasa : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Gratitude Mention to, Original Recording done by, Sri K.Raghavendra Prasad Padilaya and his family members, Nandyala, Andhra Pradesh State, Bharatha (India) Our heartfelt gratitude for video recording [More]
Bhagavad Gita and Vishnusaharanama as Upanishad by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya