#AvataraOfLord #bhagavatha #bannanje — At the end of each Kali Yuga there is no pralaya — At the end of manvantara there is a small pralaya — At the end of the day of Brahma, [More]
Narayana Upanishad by Bannanje Govindaacharya
Hamsa Mantra, Ajapa Japa, Pranayama, and Living Longer by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in HarikathamruthaSara Pravachana
Kalachakra and Lifespan of the Universe (Kannada Discourse by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya from Bhagavad Avataaragalu)
Upanyasa: – Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr Bannanje Govindacharya Topic : Tripundra Dharane
When to Observe Ekadashi when Ekadashi falls on two days. If we have full ekadashi today (day 1) and next day(day 2) also we have ekadashi after sunrise then we need to observe ekadashi upavaasa/vrata [More]
An interactive & introductory session on Vedas & how to decode it through the Brahmasutras. Session conducted by Sunder Madakshira on 8 May, 2022. We have always wondered, what are Vedas? What makes them special? [More]
By Bannanje Govindaacharya on 15/09/2011
ಪಿಂಡೋದಕಕ್ರಿಯಾಃ {Pindodaka Kriya} Explanation by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya
Does God benefit from creation ? Why does he do it? Purely out of joy. About the series: SanathSujatheeya is a series of talks on a particular incident from the epic Mahabharatha. Its a conversation [More]