Hamsa Mantra, Ajapa Japa, Pranayama, and Living Longer by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in HarikathamruthaSara Pravachana
#punarjanma #reincarnationBible #taratamya #bhagavatha #bannanje — Punarjanma is Bible: If a Lion kills a man….. ?? How can a Jiva take different forms while in its true state it is of only one form? About [More]
Join the 35th BATCH of Understand Gita in 18 Days https://t.ly/gita Starting on Monday 03rd April 2023 Join the World’s largest online Gita Course (8 Lac+ Registrations) Free certificate 1 hour per day – Online [More]
Brahma Vishnu Shiva from Linga Purana – by Vidya Vachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya
#bannanje #veda #ವೆದದಪರಿಚಯ — Reason why Rig Veda begins with Agni sukta ^^ adhwara — Yaska’s description of adhwara About the series: Sometime in 1984 a few people in Mumbai came together to perform a [More]