Poojya Sri Puthige Swamiji about Sri Bannanje Govindacharya

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HH Parama Poojya Sri 1008 Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji, Chief pontiff, Sri Puthige Matha, Udupi about passing away of Renowned Sanskrit scholar Vidyavachaspati Bannanje Govindacharya

Sri Bannanje Govindacharya passed away at his residence in Ambalpady here on Sunday December 13 due to age related illness.

Govindacharya was a recepient of Padma Shree award, which was conferred on him in 2009.

He was a great speaker and propagator of Madhwa ideology. He was also the spiritual guru of Sandalwood legend Dr Vishnuvardhan. He was well-versed in Veda Bhashya, Upanishad Bhashya, Mahabharata, Puranas and Ramayana, he has written commentaries on Veda Suktas, Upanishads, Shata Rudriya, Brahma Sutra Bhashya, and Gita Bhashya. He leaves behind a rich legacy of around 4000 pages of Sanskrit Vyakhyana to his name with 50 odd books and around 150 books, including those in other languages.

Govindacharya has translated several texts from Sanskrit to Kannada. Some of them are ‘Bana Bhattana Kadambari’, a translation of Bana Bhatta’s novel, Kalidasa’s ‘Shakuntala’, ‘Shudraka’s Mrichakatika’ as ‘Aaveya Mannina Atada Bandi’, which won the Sahitya Akademi’s award for translation in 2001, and Bhavabhuti’s ‘Uttaramacharita’.

He also wrote dialogues for three Kannada movies on Madhwacharya, Shankaracharya and Ramanujacharya.

Govindacharya had also translated several historical novels to Kannada. He also wrote notes on the chapters of Hindu text Upanishad. Among his short commentries in Sanskrit are ‘Anandamala’ of Shri Trivikramarya Dasa, ‘Vayu Stuti’ of Shri Trivikrama Pandita and ‘Vishnu Stuti’ of Shri Trivikrama Pandita.

Hailing from Bannanje here, Govindacharya was born in 1936. He was one of the greatest experts on Madhva philosophy, and was best known for his pravachanas which are very popular among Tuluvas and Kannadigas all over the world.

He was the brand ambassador of India in World Conference on Religion and Peace held in Princeton, USA in 1979.

Govindacharya’s younger son Vijayabhushana Acharya passed away on December 2 following illness.


Deviprasad .R says:

He's around us his each and every knowledge and lot of spiritual informations he is given through his books and discourses in you tube his shikshyavrindha, we are very fortunate we lived vidyvachaspathi govindacharya time life is not permanent wisdom and knowledge Is always remaining (iruvu sampatthalla iruvina arivu sampatthu)🙏🙏🙏

mysore says:

May his soul rest in peace 🙏

Thirumala Raya Halemane says:

our vandanas, condolences. prayers. best wishes.

very high contributions, accomplishments, great service to sanatana hindu dharma….

our many thanks, regards, namaskaars-praNaams and best wishes.

best wishes, aummmm…
ps: excellent thanks bestwishes
=summary>The world is dramastage weare actors Our life is what we do OUR ACT, our daily living is our daily acting role, acting finished means life finished. WE ARE SEEKING SUITABLE BRIDES FOR OUR TWO SONS, OUR GOAL IS TO ENABLE THEM REACH FULL TRUE HIGHER POTENTIAL, FUTURE PRESIDENTS OF USA. I was fired from AT&T Bell Labs in 1992 scientist engineer, it was big shock for whole family, in India too. interviews for new jobs blocked. although in shock wife worked from low level hard work later promoted, children targeted.  my email [email protected] mobile +17329389686also please feel free to visit my public instagram is @thirumalaraya and many posts since 2016 or so=Fwd
2020 September 23
Me: Ravi, my assessment/ guesses below =>
King of the East = Japan,
King of the North = Norway,
King of the South = Saudi Arabia,
King of the West = United Kingdom,
Others are being used and/ or helping them directly and/ or indirectly, along with their interests and ideologies, China also included. Nature of the Deep state is involved in various strong ways, including the nature of the different religions and their associated deep states, some extremely very strong… for many others, individuals also, it is just survival under whatever conditions exist for them…=====On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 10:21 AM Thirumala Raya Halemane <[email protected]> wrote:
actually, hindus need to reclaim all the temples that were destroyed, forcibly taken over, (not just the three that BJP / RSS wanted, mostly for political reasons, vote-banking, otherwise they did not care initially)and all the other indians, including muslims, have to understand and accept that. it is not their (muslim's) private property anyway, so they should not worry / have hatred towards hindus in india(any allowance of alternate land, is out of sympathetic considerations only)..you are forgetting the power of hindu temples, for inspiration etc, when you write like below, that it is less important.i disagree.in fact, everything depends on it (the recovery of the temples), we might say======= Fwd:
2019 June 15
Me: Beautiful.
Although in severe shock and great stress, we have faced the challenges and moved forward crossing the barriers, biases, impediments etc that came before us, … it was tough, not easy, for my wife and sons and the others also … I brought up my two sons Kaviraj and Shilpi as future presidents of usa, with that attitude/ outlook/ mindset, supporting and encouraging the leadership nature already in them. They are born in usa, grew up in usa and consider themselves as Americans. The country, the people and the whole world including India where we parents are originally from will need their leadership and contributions to go forward towards better future vision in true spirit of America. It is the nature of truth, nature of nature, nature of humanity. It is the only way. There is no other choice. Actually, we do not need a different choice. Because, it is also the best way. Perfect for America and the whole world. Nothing else can be better, however you may look at it. Best wishes. Aummmm….

Bolar Savitha says:

Sri Bannanje Govindacharya is
my adhyathmika guru.
I'm greatly inspired and consider his pravachanas as my learning experience
We lost a profound sanskrit scholar deeply respected and admired by all his followers.
Pranams to his lotus feet.

Bharathan S says:

Madhwa siddantha jaya vagali

Thirumala Raya Halemane says:

worlddramastageSEEKING SUITABLEBRIDES FOROUR SONS, Kaviraj&Shilpi OURGOAL ENABLE REACHfullPOTENTIAL,FUTURE POTUS Mefired bigshock family,India wifeworked lowlevel hardwork promoted,CHILDREN TARGETED.

Guru H says:

You can chose to believe me or not, but the entire day before his passing away, my heart was heavy and have cried for reason unknown , until I open up YouTube to see Sri SathyAtma Tiirtharu give his brief condolence message , that put me further into grief. Sure, Govindacharaya passed into history of Sastra prapancha.. Please, please don't post anything like RIP , may his soul rest in peace etc., It will be an display of Ignorance as Sri Govindacharaya himself said , we come from unknown only to go into unknown (ಅವ್ಯಕತದೀನಿ ಭೂತಾನಿ ವಾಕ್ಯತಮದ್ಯನಿ ಭಾರತ ಅವ್ಯಕ್ತನಿಧನಾನ್ಯೇವ ತತ್ರಕ ಪರಿ ವೇದನಾ ) Souls never rest, "Vasamsi Jeeranani , yatha vihaya , navani ghrunathi naroparanee.."

Sudha Prabhu says:

Om Shanthi RIP tumba bejaragede🙏🙏

Prasanna Hegde says:

Ohm🙏🙏 I consider myself blessed if I attain 1/1000th of his knowledge. Ohm Shri gurubyonamah. Ohm Shasnthihi Shanthihi Shanthihi.

Guru Raj says:

ಶ್ರೀ ಬನ್ನಂಜೆ ಗೋವಿಂದಾಚಾರ್ಯರ ಪ್ರವಚನೆಗಳೆ ಅವರ ಅಗಲುವಿಕೆಯ ನೋವನ್ನು ಸಹಿಸುವ ಶಕ್ತಿ ನೀಡಿದೆ ನನಗೆ🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Think Big✔️ says:

I never worry death of any person, but I worry for bannanje because he is znaana Surya

Jyotsna R Rao says:


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