Sri Bannanje Govindacharya's Sangraha Bhagavata – Synopsis and Narration by Aravind Ramaswamy

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Sri Bannanje Govindacharya was an eminent Samskrita Scholar and an exceptional orator. Sangraha Bhagavata is one of his precious works in Kannada providing a concise essence of The Bhagavata. Sri Bannanje created an immense body of philosophical work through his discourse, books with commentaries and treatise on Upanishads, Bhashyas, Vedas, Bhagavadgeete and Bhaagavata.
Aravind Ramaswamy in Southern California provides a synopsis of the book and narrates excerpts from the book. Aravind had recorded this video last week but were unable to process/upload it until Sunday Dec 13, 2020 – the day when legendary Acharya departed his mortal life. Om Shanti!
#Bannanje #BannanjeGovindacharya
#Bhagavata #OneKannadaBookADay


R Jyotsna Rao says:


H P Shruthi says:

Very good introduction Aravind 👏🏻👏🏻👍


Sri. Aravind Ramaswamy has made an excellent presentation on BHAGVATA puranas as written by the erudite scholar, late Sri. Bannanje Govindacharyha-YES, SAD TO SAY SO-
ONLY YESTERDAY, reached his heavenly place–

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