The True Classification of the Puraanas: Explained By Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya

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This video is intended to settle all controversies regarding the Puraanas. Many believe that the classification of Puraanas, into Saattvic, Raajasic and Taamasic Puraanas is inauthentic. However, to one’s surprise, they are absolutely authentic and have confused even scholars, like Shripaada Ramanujacharya. It was Shripaada Madhvacharya, who could explain the classification of the Puraanas correctly. In this video, translated from Kannada, Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya, the Sanskrit Maadhva Vaishnava scholar, explains the true classification of Puraanas.


@shivaprakashmyname says:

Keep contonuing your work on english subtitle on dwaita philopshy for those people who do not know kannada!! I am following you in quora. My name is Shiva Prakash.

May be creating a youtube channel with the name that suits the ISKCON maadwa alliance you can attract more followers of ISKCON. Examples:
Frequently asked questions on ISKCON answered by maadwas

@dhavalishere says:

Question asked in Bhagavatam :
"Please, therefore, being blessed with many years, explain to us, in an easily understandable way, what you have ascertained to be the absolute and ultimate good for the people in general." (Bhagavata Purana)

Question asked in Skanda Purana: 
"Please narrate to us the greatness of Lord Shiva, who carries a trident in his hand. We would like to hear about the merit achieved by worshipping him and meditating upon his pastimes."(Skanda Purana)

Did anyone else too notice something strange in the questioning pattern between the two Puranas?

@manthansantara15625 says:

Lighters Mukha Mardanam

@Krishnology says:

Hari Bol 🎉

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