3 Type of Pralaya (Kannada Discourse by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya from Bhagavad Avataaragalu)
For whole series of the Kathopanishad pravachana of Shri Bannanje’s untill now, please click on the below playlist link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
Bhagvata Raja of Puranas: Essence of Bhagvata: Bannanje Govindacharya (original in Kannada) Translation in English by Arya Acharya
#bannanje #veda #ವೆದದಪರಿಚಯ — Pavamana mandala has 1108 mantras, 7 Anuvaka, 114 sukta — Definition of ‘khila’ in Veda — Shree SUKTA is not present in either Bashkala or Shakala samhitha ^^ ksheera ^^ sarpee [More]
#madhwacharya #bannanjegovindacharya #ramayana
About Papa Parihara Sloka Kannada Pravachana by Sri Bannanje Govindacharya in Agni Purana
#ಶ್ರೀಮಧ್ವವಿಜಯ #srimadhwavijaya — Background story of TrivikramaPanditha and Madhwa’s meet About the series: Sri Madhwavijaya is a historical work documenting the entire life of Sri Madhwacharya. The author Sri Narayanapanditha, a contemporary of Sri Madhwa, [More]
#bhagavatha #bannanje — Sri BG states that sloka 47 is misinterpreted for ages. He presents the right meaning here — Eye is only one and is present in the sookshma deha. It’s through the eye [More]