#vamadeva #ExperienceInWomb #bhagavatha #bannanje — Sri Madhwa says that growth in womb may differ — Experience of Rishi Nathamana in the womb — Experience of Sage Vamadeva while in the womb as told in Rigveda [More]
#santha #ashantha #CrossSymbol #bhagavatha #bannanje — Meaning of ‘ashanta’ – people who do not believe in Lord — Multiple meanings of ‘shantha’ ?? What are the flaws in the argument of not believing in God [More]
#bhagavatha #bannanje — Story of Narayana (Rishi who took birth as son of Daksha prajapathi) who took form to show how to perform Brahmacharya About the series: Srimad Bhagavatha is one of the 18 puranas [More]
Upanyasa by : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Language : Kannada Location : Bharatha (India) Topic : Katopanishat Gratitude Mention: Original Recording done by, Sri K.Raghavendra Prasad Padilaya and his family members, Nandyala, Andhra [More]
Upanyasa by : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Gratitude Mention to, Original Recording done by, Sri K.Raghavendra Prasad Padilaya and his family members, Nandyala, Andhra Pradesh State, Bharatha (India) Our heartfelt gratitude for video [More]
Upanyasa by : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Language : Kannada Year : 1994 Location : Bharatha (India)
For whole series of the Kathopanishad pravachana of Shri Bannanje’s untill now, please click on the below playlist link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO1fqq-GZLIkRJgMcCCA6h49RRpKXl708
Upanyasa by : Padmasri Vidyaratna Vidyavachaspati Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya Language : Kannada Year : 1994 Location : Bharatha (India) Topic : Sri Harikatamrutasara